SCRAMBLE FROM PARCHIM In early February, 1945, the veteran first Gruppe of Jagdgeschwader 1 was ordered to turn over its Focke Wulf 190s to II Gruppe on the eastern front and proceed to Parchim for conversion training on the He 162. This same group of men had participated in Operation Bodenplatte on New Year's Day, and was now to lead the Volksjager aerial armada into combat. After nine weeks at Parchim, but before their He 162 training was complete, I/JG 1 was transferred to Ludwiglust. Six days later, they were transferred again to Leck, a chaotic collection point for displaced fighter groups throughout northern Germany. With no fuel and little or no organization at Leck, the Volksjagers of JG 1 were destined to sit immobile until they were forced to surrender on May 8. YOUR MISSION As you are preparing your flight of Volksjagers for take-off from Parchim Luftwaffe airfield, a squadron of American P-47s makes a surprise attack on your airfield. Fortunately, there is a flight of Me 262s on patrol overhead. Get airborne fast to avoid being strafed, and then engage the enemy fighters. You can use the antiaircraft guns here to your advantage by forcing the attacking aircraft to follow you in low passes over the field.